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Your journey with the Miami County Board of Developmental Disabilities (Riverside) begins with our Eligibility Department. Eligibility criteria and processes are based on a person's age; Ohio Administrative Code governs eligibility criteria for ages 0-2 and Ohio Revised Code governs the eligibility criteria for ages 3 and over.
Once you are found eligible for Riverside services, you will be connected with a member of our team who will provide you and your family with the resources and support you need both at home and within the Miami County community. It is important to note that all Riverside services are voluntary for those who are found eligible. For more information about our eligibility criteria and process, please contact us.
Getting Started
We understand, a new diagnosis
can leave a lot of questions.
Our dedicated team is here to help you. We will walk you through everything, from filing eligibility documents to deciding services and supports, we are here for you.
What are
developmental disabilities?
A group of conditions affecting a person's physical, learning, language or behavior areas that begin before age 22 and are expected to last a lifetime.*Â
Common examples: cerebral palsy, intellectual developmental disorder, autism and head injuries.
*It is important to note that services continue past age 22. The diagnosis simply must be made by then.
When is eligibility redetermined?
Ohio requires eligibility be redetermined when a person turns 3, 6 or 16 years old. It may also be done when a change in functional skills, diagnosis or an extended "break" in services occurs or if you move to another county.
Eligibility criteria varies by age.
Ages 0-2:
A child must have significant developmental delays as measured by a Bayley or Battelle Assessment Tool or diagnosed medical conditions likely to cause a delay.
Ages 3-5:
A child must have at least two documented developmental delays as reported in an Evaluation Team Report (ETR), Individualized Education Program (IEP) or medical records.
Ages 6+:
A person must show substantial functional limitations in at least three of the life activity areas measured in the Children's Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument (COEDI) for children ages 6-15 or the Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument (OEDI) for ages 16 and older.
What's Next?
Services & Supports for ages 0-2
Our Early Intervention (EI) team will work with you to provide ongoing support for your child at home and in your community.
What's Next?
Services & Supports for ages 3+
You will be connected with an SSA who specializes in providing people with developmental disabilities and their families with the resources and support they need.
Eligible for services?
Learn more about our services, including Early Intervention, Children's Services and Adult Services.
If you have questions about our eligibility process or available services, please contact us.
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