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Provider List

Services such as Adult Day Services (ADS) and Homemaker Personal Care (HPC) are provided by a network of provider agencies and over 120+ independent providers. The list below shows which agencies are certified to provide services in Miami County. If you have any questions, please consult your SSA to help walk you through the Provider Selection process in Miami County.


You may also search for certified provider agencies by using the DODD Provider Search Tool and Provider Guide Plus. These resources offer additional information to those eligible for services and their families, including provider reviews from other families, compliance reports and more. For more about our provider partners and Riverside's relationship with them, please contact us.

Our Provider Partners

Adult Day Services (ADS)


Employment Support

Employment Support

Homemaker/Personal Care (HPC) and Transportation Services

HPC/In-Home Support

Non-Medical Transportation (NMT)


Remote Supports

Remote Supports
Shared Living

What is a
Service Provider?

Check out this Easy Read Guide from DODD about service providers, what they do and hear other's testimony about their service providers.

Agency Providers

Agency providers employ people to provide services to people with developmental disabilities.

Provider agencies are responsible for ensuring staff complete required training and background checks. Staff must also hold a valid certification in first aid and CPR and provide specific documentation when applying for DODD certification.

Independent Providers

Self-employed, independent providers provide direct services to those with developmental disabilities.

Like agency providers, independent providers must also complete required training, background checks and certifications to be DODD certified. To help you through this process, DODD has some key suggestions to remember when applying.



DODD certifies independent and agency providers. Applicants must meet qualifications, pay a non-refundable fee and include supporting documentation with their application.



As we collaborate with local providers to increase provider support and ensure quality support for those we serve, Riverside offers free trainings for all DSPs.

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