Riverside's Journey

There are two distinct characteristics that have been a part of our agency's journey: change and consistent support. Throughout the years the needs of the people we serve and their families, as well as federal and state mandates, have dictated our path of growth and change. We have evolved from our early days as a school to a vibrant, all-encompassing agency that touches all facets of a person's life--from birth through the end of life.
What has remained the same, however, is the consistent support of our community and the families we serve. Without their trust, courage and willingness to try new things, we would not be what we are today. Our agency prides itself on being on the cutting edge of support for people with developmental disabilities. We encourage everyone to ask, "What is possible?" and see equal value and potential in every human being.
As we have many times in the past, today we stand on the edge of a new frontier. Our work of supporting individuals as they define what it means for them to have a "good life" is full of exciting choices and endless opportunities. We hope you enjoy reading about our journey and that you might consider being a part of our journey ahead, in whatever way you choose.

Riverside's History Timeline
An addition is constructed, including the newly named Riverside Adult Training Center.
A sheltered workshop starts for adults over 21 years of age.
New Programs
Added to School
The workshop is placed under the administration of the Miami County Welfare Board.

Crews begin constructing addition to Riverside facility on 1625 Troy Sidney Road.
Riverside Facility
Continues to Grow
A bus garage is added to the facility.

Advocates successfully lead a statewide initiative asking the state of Ohio to remove the term, "Mental Retardation" from all County Board names. We officially become the Miami County Board of Developmental Disabilities.
Advocates Lead Statewide Initiative to Remove "MR" Term

HB 778 places the legal authority for the operation and administration of the program under the Miami County Child Welfare Board.
Miami County Child Welfare Board Assumes Operation
Classes Begin
in Miami County
Through the efforts of the Council for Retarded Children of Miami County and interested parents, a program began to provide training classes for children with mental retardation who resided in the county.
A summer class for eight children was held in Forest Elementary School in Troy.
In October, a larger class was started in the Spring Street School in Piqua. The children were transported in a council-owned station wagon.

Through these years, the class at Riverside grew to serve 34 children.
Program Grows

Riverside School Erected in Troy
Through grants from the Miami County Commissioners and the Miami County Council for Retarded Children, the original Riverside school is constructed at 1625 Troy Sidney Road in Troy.

Seven member county boards of mental retardation were created by Ohio law through the passage of Senate Bill 169. Even though citizens know us as Riverside School & Riverside Adult Training Center, we officially become the Miami County Board of Mental Retardation.
Ohio law also says the seven members of the Miami County Board of Mental Retardation would be appointed. Five members are appointed by the County Commissioners and two members are appointed by the County Probate Judge. The same system remains throughout Ohio still today.
Senate Bill Establishes
Seven-Member Board
By State law, the term "developmental disabilities" is added to all County Board names. We become the Miami County Board of the Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities--known to most citizens as Riverside of Miami County.
"Developmental Disabilities" Added to County Board Names
Many things have changed through the years, but our mission to empower people with developmental disabilities to live, work and play as full members of our community remains the same. Today, our services revolve around a person-centered approach, focusing on the individual and what is important for them and to them.
Through the variety of services we offer, our dedicated staff continues to encourage inclusion and self-advocacy in order to create a community that values and supports people of all abilities.