Health & Safety
The health, safety and welfare of the people we serve is our top priority. We take this role seriously and have many safeguards in place to ensure ongoing oversight in provider settings. Along with completing a specific reviews aimed at enhancing service quality, our Quality & Innovations (QI) Department works closely with private agencies or individuals who want to provide services for the people in Miami County with developmental disabilities. Our QI team also offers providers ongoing training and support.
If you have any concerns about your services at any time, please contact us.

Phone: (937) 440-3001
*If after-hours, please ask
for SSA On-Call.
Fax: (937) 332-3496
Contact MUI Hotline
Reporting an MUI
When calling to report an MUI, please provide the following:
Your name and the agency for which you work
A phone number where you can be reached
The individual's name for which you are reporting an incident
A brief description of the incident
Your actions to ensure the individual's health and welfare
If you have contacted "911"

DODDÂ Health
& Safety Toolkit
Get all the information you need
from DODD in one place.
The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) provides a complete list of Health & Welfare Alerts, information about Major Unusual Incidents (MUIs) and more.

Keeping You Safe
Stay safe and know what to do in case of an emergency. Access the latest Health & Welfare Alerts on the DODD website.

What is an
Investigative Agent?
An Investigative Agent (IA), contracted or employed by the County Board, investigates all reported MUIs.
MUI investigations can include identifying causes and contributing factors, as well as plans to help reduce the likelihood of a re-occurrence.
IAs are certified through the
Be a Voice
for Suicide Prevention
Learn about suicide risk factors, what steps you can take to help a struggling loved one and available resources.
What is a DSP?DSPs, or Direct Support Professionals, are employed by agency providers or are self-employed. These individuals are responsible for providing direct services to people with developmental disabilities. They help the people they serve live, learn, work and play in their communities. But most of all, they are friends and advocates. They are the backbone of the developmental disabilities field.
What are a provider's responsibilities?There are many opportunities for providers, both those who work for an agency and independent providers. A provider's responsibility can include: Residential services - supporting people where they live through teaching independent living skills and healthy living practices, supporting people with their everyday activities and providing addtional support in other areas of life when needed Day support - supporting people during the day through working side by side with people as they participate in the community, taking small groups to volunteer or on recreational trips and empowering people to try new things Employment - supporting people in finding and keeping a job through helping people identify their talents and goals, connecting people with employers and provide on-site support to ensure the person's success
How do I become a certified provider?All certification to become a service provider is obtained through the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD). Information on becoming a provider is available in the Providers section of the DODD website.
I want to work for a provider agency, where can I find a list of local agencies?"Our Provider List includes all Miami County services providers who serve people with developmental disabilities and their families in our area. For a more comprehensive list of provider agencies in Ohio, reviews provided by individuals and families and other information, visit Provider Guide Plus. You may also learn more about the role of DSPs by visiting dspohio.org.
Does Riverside offer any training for DSPs?In collaboration with The Academy for Direct Support Professionals (DSPs), the Miami County Board of Developmental Disabilities (Riverside) offers a variety of classes free of charge to certified service providers. All classes are held in the Training Room at Riverside (located at 1625 Troy Sidney Road, Troy) unless otherwise advertised. Riverside also offers trainings regarding the MUI/UI Rule, Individual Rights, Health & Welfare Alerts and provider and SSA joint meetings. These trainings are also held in the Training Room at Riverside and are taught by Riverside Behavior Support Coordinators, Investigative Agents (IAs) and other staff. For a complete list of classes provided by The Academy and those instructed by Riverside staff, please visit our Provider Training page.
Does Riverside offer any networking opportunities for providers?As a way to improve communication between Riverside as Miami County's local board of DD and the agencies and individuals providing direct services, Riverside established the Provider Partnership Network (PPN) in 2016. PPN membership is open to all service providers. The group meets quarterly, and their meetings include updates from the County Board, as well as time for questions and discussion. Meetings cover topics such as DODD/OPRA Back to Basics Highlights and County Board Accreditation Results. For more about PPN and their 2019 meeting schedule, please contact us.
I am an Independent Provider, is there someone I can contact when I have questions?"If you are currently an Independent Provider or are interested in becoming one, you may contact Riverside's Provider Relations Resource Support Coordinator, Jan Wintrow, at (937) 440-3090 or jan.wintrow@riversidedd.org.
What is the relationship between the County Board and providers?As the Miami County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Riverside coordinates and funds the direct care services provider agencies and independent providers provide to people with developmental disabilities in Miami County. These services include adult day services, in-home care, job training/support and transportation. Riverside does provide services such as Early Intervention for kids ages 0-3, case management, housing coordination, recreation and Special Olympics programs, advocacy training, family education and training for DSPs. However, Riverside does not employ DSPs, bill for direct services or compete for provider business.