Miami County Board of DD/Riverside

Oct 20, 20201 min

Meet Our Team - Kathy Greenawalt-Cherry, EI Director

Name: Kathy Greenawalt-Cherry

Current Title: Early Intervention (EI) Director

Years of Service: 22 years

City: Troy, but I'm still a St. Mary's girl in the fall. Go Roughriders!

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Cook, garden, read, play with my dogs, walk, yoga, watch baseball, complete projects around the house with my husband and listen to live music.

What is your favorite...

Food: Mashed potatoes

Band: U2

Movie: I don't really watch movies. I can't sit still

that long.

Book: I like a lot of books. I enjoy ones by

Hemingway, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,

Agatha Christie, Brené Brown, Eckhart Tolle

and easy, cozy murder mysteries.

If you could travel anywhere, money aside, where would you go?

Somewhere on the beach.

What is a fun fact about you?

I love listening to live music and dancing.

How would you describe your job?

Making work as easy as possible for staff so they can do their job supporting families and children. Fun, exciting, rewarding, never boring. I have a great team!

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I love watching and being a part of staff development. Watching them grow into their role, learn new skills and discover curricula or strategies that excite them and make them dig in to learn as much as they can.

#EarlyIntervention #EI #ServicesforChildren #OurLeadership #MeetOurTeam #TeamRiverside